
and of course resource 👾.

I had a great time exploring the three.js and diving headfirst into building small prototypes for something like this. My main goal was getting some hands on engineeing experience with NextJS. I snagged some awesome 3D models from to prototype this application, they were so cool that I decided to keep them. I might even whip up some more 3D models myself using Blender, that is, if I don't get sidetracked by another project.
Right now, this project is up and running smoothly on The whole deployment process was a breeze. I mean, I could have gone through dockerizing it and deploying it elsewhere, but was just feeling a bit lazy. I opted to use Tailwind CSS for styling the project, found it better than Bootstrap, for sure. For the 3D rendering side of things, I used Three Fiber, which is based on Three.js but for react. If you have any questions about the project, feel free to reach out on LinkedIn.